Sunday, September 11, 2016

Drokna - Oblivion - Chapter 4

                                               Chapter 4
She slept again at the imperial city,her regular schedule,the more she slept the better she was in battle. One feeble match to be champion of all of merth and oblivion. Hunched over her magic book she didn't use any spells and had practiced her best ones. The championship announced with her and orgrums name,one at a time, they each entered the imperial city arena and awaited battle. And the battle had begun. Magi she kept her distance casting her destruction like a battlemage should and orgrum swung his best hitting mail's steel shield more than a dozen times,they battled and were neck to neck and kept battling. The image of the fight in battle horrifying but was admired and looked upon by several who were into blood and games and they enjoyed it. Cheering, the crowd also boood. Magi carefully used her magic and orgrum felt each cast like a hurricane had ripped him up like a high class wine with lucritive value and the battle continued. It came without warning, a powerful blow by magis mace and a steel shield block following another by another and orgrum became weak. You too strong lady! Your not strong enough orc. And placed there magi had orgrum back in college thinking if only i can get her off her shield block i can win,but, was not the case. Magi, ten levels higher than he,she ended the match with a deathly touch of damage. The crowd cheered and orgrum laid in the sand not getting up. Your winner ladies and gentleman of the arena,magi. And magi became champion of entire merth and wrongdoings were ridden one by one since then.
                 The end.....

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